Presumptive and Definitive Drug Testing 101

Presumptive and Definitive Drug Testing 101

Understanding the intricacies of toxicology testing and enhanced medication monitoring assuredly takes time and experience to comprehend. A simple drug test is likely more complicated than you may believe it to be. Understanding how advanced toxicology technology works to serve physicians, family practices, internal medicine, addiction specialists, and recovery centers is vital.  

With 27 combined years of experience as a board-certified anesthesiologist and pain medicine physician, Genotox Laboratories Matthew McCarty realized that a better screening assay was essential for verifying UDT sample authenticity. Leveraging the power of molecular diagnostic testing, he invented and co-developed ToxProtect, the first patent-pending DNA-authenticated urine drug test. ToxProtect helps physicians confidently resolve suspicious behavior, intervene early, and protect at-risk patients from escalating abuse. 

ToxProtect at Work: 

A one-time cheek swab collected allows for genomic cross-verification that conclusively determines if the urine scientifically matches the patient’s DNA. More than that, Tox Protect can also detect the presence of synthetic urine or any type of substitute liquid. 

Presumptive Vs. Definitive Drug Testing: 

The Toxicology department at Genotox Laboratories offers comprehensive drug testing in 34 distinct categories or classes. The test menu is divided to indicate Presumptive Testing (performed using Olympus AU 400/680 Autoanalyzer Systems) and Definitive Testing (performed using Agilent 1290 UHPLC Systems with 6460 Triple-Quadrupole Mass Spectrometers).

Presumptive Testing: This type of testing is used to identify the use or non-use of a drug or drug class. Results are reported qualitatively (Negative or Positive) and do not identify drugs/metabolites. The test menu includes: 

  • Codeine, Oxycodone, Opiate, Tapentadol, K2, Methadone, Carisoprodol, Phencyclidine (PCP), Barbiturates, Tricyclic Antidepressant (TCA), Cocaine Metabolites, 6-MonoacetylMorphine (6-MAM), Amphetamines, Cotinine, Benzodiazepines, Ethanol, Ethyl Glucuronide (EtG), Buprenorphine, THC, Fentanyl, Zolpidem, Meperidine*, Tramadol, Methamphetamine*

Definitive Testing: A definitive or confirmation test uses instrument analysis to positively identify the presence or quantity of a drug. An important aspect of definitive testing is the confirmation of metabolites. A metabolite profile tested normally falls under one of many parent drug categories. Parent drug categories range from opiates to antipsychotics to alcohol metabolites.

For more information about ToxProtect DNA-verified Urine Drug Testing (UDT) or the future of Telehealth solutions, visit: or get in touch via today.

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