Presumptive and Definitive Drug Testing 101

Understanding the intricacies of toxicology testing and enhanced medication monitoring assuredly takes time and experience to comprehend. A simple drug test is likely more complicated than you may believe it to be. Understanding how advanced toxicology technology works to serve physicians, family practices, internal medicine, addiction specialists, and recovery centers is vital.  

With 27 combined years of experience as a board-certified anesthesiologist and pain medicine physician, Genotox Laboratories Matthew McCarty realized that a better screening assay was essential for verifying UDT sample authenticity. Leveraging the power of molecular diagnostic testing, he invented and co-developed ToxProtect, the first patent-pending DNA-authenticated urine drug test. ToxProtect helps physicians confidently resolve suspicious behavior, intervene early, and protect at-risk patients from escalating abuse. 

ToxProtect at Work: 

A one-time cheek swab collected allows for genomic cross-verification that conclusively determines if the urine scientifically matches the patient’s DNA. More than that, Tox Protect can also detect the presence of synthetic urine or any type of substitute liquid. 

Presumptive Vs. Definitive Drug Testing: 

The Toxicology department at Genotox Laboratories offers comprehensive drug testing in 34 distinct categories or classes. The test menu is divided to indicate Presumptive Testing (performed using Olympus AU 400/680 Autoanalyzer Systems) and Definitive Testing (performed using Agilent 1290 UHPLC Systems with 6460 Triple-Quadrupole Mass Spectrometers).

Presumptive Testing: This type of testing is used to identify the use or non-use of a drug or drug class. Results are reported qualitatively (Negative or Positive) and do not identify drugs/metabolites. The test menu includes: 

  • Codeine, Oxycodone, Opiate, Tapentadol, K2, Methadone, Carisoprodol, Phencyclidine (PCP), Barbiturates, Tricyclic Antidepressant (TCA), Cocaine Metabolites, 6-MonoacetylMorphine (6-MAM), Amphetamines, Cotinine, Benzodiazepines, Ethanol, Ethyl Glucuronide (EtG), Buprenorphine, THC, Fentanyl, Zolpidem, Meperidine*, Tramadol, Methamphetamine*

Definitive Testing: A definitive or confirmation test uses instrument analysis to positively identify the presence or quantity of a drug. An important aspect of definitive testing is the confirmation of metabolites. A metabolite profile tested normally falls under one of many parent drug categories. Parent drug categories range from opiates to antipsychotics to alcohol metabolites.

For more information about ToxProtect DNA-verified Urine Drug Testing (UDT) or the future of Telehealth solutions, visit: or get in touch via today.

Genotox Laboratories Verified Drug-Testing: Fighting Against Opioid Abuse

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the misuse of opioids contributes to nearly 50, 000 deaths each year. This, on top of a rising strain on public health and economic systems, has only worsened the issue. The total economic burden including the costs of healthcare, lost productivity, addiction treatment, and criminal justice involvement totals over $70 billion. 

This epidemic, which more specifically involves the addiction and misuse of prescription pain relievers, heroin, and synthetic opioids like fentanyl began in the late 1990s when pharmaceutical companies reassured the medical community of their nonaddictive nature. Now, in 2021 it’s clear that these medications are in fact highly addictive and potentially harmful.

Besides careful administration and appropriate counseling, the most effective diagnostic for uncovering the misuse or abuse of opioids is urine-drug testing. Unfortunately, this naturally effective method can still be cheated and abused. 

The sheer amount of products and information on ‘how to cheat a drug test’ only further encourages the unlawful abuse and mistreatment of these medications. In most cases, fraudulently passing a drug test requires a synthetic or substitute urine that often slips through tests unscathed. 

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Luckily, at Genotox Laboratories, a team of medical professionals has developed an answer to the ongoing issue of drug-test-cheating. While watching someone pee in a cup, gathering saliva, blood, and hair samples have advantages, the real truth lies in DNA. 

Next GenUDT ToxProtect

NextGenUDT featuring ToxProtect is a DNA-verified Urine Drug Testing (UDT) definitively authenticates samples, reveals mislabeling errors, and detects urine sample substitutions. By adding a quick, one-time cheek swab to the urine collection process, a patient’s DNA can be matched to the DNA in the urine sample. 

Utilizing genomic cross-verification to definitively match a urine sample to its donor helps to accurately detect over 100 controlled substances and reveals the presence of synthetic or substitute human urine. The precise sample authenticity with 100% certainty represents the most important innovation for urine drug testing in the last decade. 

The Reality

“With 91 people dying every day from opioids we must rethink every part of the solution,” McCarty, a board-certified physician specializing in pain management and the CEO of Genotox Laboratories says, “Using urine-drug testing that eliminates the risks of sample substitution by those motivated to do so will be a strong step in the right direction.”

ToxProtect can help physicians confidently resolve suspicious behavior, intervene early, and protect at-risk patients from escalating abuse. Understanding exactly how to assess and treat the root of patients’ opioid addiction is imperative.  For more information about ToxProtect DNA-verified Urine Drug Testing (UDT) or the future of Telehealth solutions, visit or get in touch via today.

 easy at home drug testing, urine drug test, no contact drug test, modern telehealth, drug testing kits, Verified authentic results, opioid drug testing, probation drug test, dna drug test, opioid crisis, genotox labs, telemedicine

Genotox Laboratories ToxDirect TRUTH™: The Best No-Contact At-Home Drug Test

Drug testing often has it’s physical and scientific limitations. At times, tests can be expensive, rigorously time-consuming, and inaccurate.

Luckily, in an age of social and physical distancing, Genotox Laboratories have developed a state-of-art turn-key toxicology solution designed for healthcare professionals who:

  1. Need to monitor telemedicine patients remotely.
  2. Need to Drug Test at a Distance during “shelter in place” mandates.
  3. Prefer to eliminate urine and/or oral fluid collections from taking place within their clinic.

TRUTH™ is the industries first no contact, at home drug testing service with on-demand test results delivered to a clinician’s EMR or web portal. This means you receive all the clinical data you need using a no-contact distance testing method.

Beyond that, Genotox TRUTH™ technology utilizes DNA-verified Urine Drug Testing (UDT) that definitively authenticates samples, reveals mislabeling errors, and detecting potential urine sample substitutions.

Combining a one-time cheek swab with the urine collection process utilizes genomic cross-verification to match a urine sample to its donor. This method of testing can detect over 100 controlled substances. ToxProtect also reveals the presence of synthetic or substitute human urine.

For more information on sample collection procedures visit the following instructional videos:

  1. TRUTH™ swab collection instructions
  2. TRUTH™ urine collection instructions

To get started visit, or for more information contact us


Genotox Labs has the capacity to deliver 1,500 COVID-19 tests per day.

We’re proud to launch our COVID-19 molecular testing services!

These services will offer convenient access to the most accurate test available with fast results. Are you trying to safely get back to family, school, or work? We can help.

Genotox Labs has announced the capacity to complete 1,500 COVID-19 tests per day.

“Our experience has shown that people want a test and a time-frame they can trust,” said Matthew McCarty, MD, founder and CEO of Genotox Labs. “We have the testing experience, and the highly efficient purpose-built workflows delivering accelerated turn-around time to ensure you know the truth as soon as possible, rather than waiting up to ten days or more in some cases,” he added.

Please reach out to us at

For More Information, visit

About Genotox Labs

With 27 combined years of experience as a board-certified anesthesiologist and pain medicine physician, Matthew McCarty, MD became aware of the growing need for enhanced medication monitoring and personalized medicine. As a result, he founded Genotox Laboratories in 2012.

After extensive use of toxicology testing in his practice, Dr. McCarty realized that a better screening assay was essential for verifying UDT sample authenticity. Leveraging the power of molecular diagnostic testing, he invented and co-developed ToxProtect, the first patent pending DNA-authenticated urine drug test.


Drug Testing at Home and The Opioid Crisis

At Home Drug Testing and The Future of Telemedicine

“Before the first COVID-19 case in the United States, a different epidemic—the opioid crisis—was taking the lives of 130 Americans per day. Although the pandemic threatens everyone, it is a particularly grave risk to the millions of Americans with opioid use disorder, who—already vulnerable and marginalized—are heavily dependent on face-to-face health care delivery.”

According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), 19.7 million American adults (aged 12 and older) battled a substance use disorder in 2017.

Could the relative risk of patients with substance use disorder who are not receiving the standard of care intersect with the relative risk of COVID-19?


No Contact Drug Testing


At Genotox Laboratories, we’re devoted to providing healthcare professionals with accurate, dependable, and actionable toxicology and pharmacogenetics services. We serve pain physicians, family practices, internal medicine, psychiatrists, addiction specialists, OB/GYN, and recovery centers.

With 27 combined years of experience as a board-certified anesthesiologist and pain medicine physician, Matthew McCarty, MD became aware of the growing need for enhanced medication monitoring and personalized medicine. As a result, he founded Genotox Laboratories in 2012.

After extensive use of toxicology testing in his practice, Dr. McCarty realized that a better screening assay was essential for verifying UDT sample authenticity. Leveraging the power of molecular diagnostic testing, he invented and co-developed ToxProtect, the first patent pending DNA-authenticated urine drug test.

TAGS: Remote Urine Test, Drug Test, No Contact Drug Test, ToxDirect

DNA-Verified Remote Drug Testing

Genotox Labs Uses DNA-Verified Techniques to perform Remote Drug Testing

“Drug testing is the technology of addiction medicine, it is vastly underutilized, both in terms of prevention and treatment.” – Robert L. DuPont, MD

The common tampering and falsification efforts to hide true urine drug test results include: real human urine sample substitution, synthetic urine sample substitution, “pill scraping”, dilution, oxidizer adulteration, and timing of substance use around the drug test schedule.

Urine drug testing solutions exist today that precisely address all of the above.

Remote drug monitoring with Genotox Labs
Remote Urine Testing

In what other area of life would we actively choose an inferior solution when the aforementioned solution is critical to achieving the desired outcome?

Learn More Here About Our Remote Drug Testing Process Here:

More About Genotox:

At Genotox Laboratories, we’re devoted to providing healthcare professionals with accurate, dependable, and actionable toxicology and pharmacogenetic services. We serve pain physicians, family practices, internal medicine, psychiatrists, addiction specialists, OB/GYN, and recovery centers.

Revolutionary ToxProtect™ DNA-based urine drug test (UDT) for verifying sample authenticity

Pharmacogenetic testing for predicting a patient’s expected response to certain drugs, based on their specific genetic makeup

Addiction Treatment at Home and How it is done.

Addiction Treatment at Home

“The American Psychiatric Association finds video-based sessions “equivalent” to in-person care for diagnosis, treatment, quality, and patient satisfaction. Yet, insurance hasn’t always covered it. Facing surging demand and a potential mental health epidemic, insurers are scrambling to make changes.”

Learn More at the Link Below:

pharmacogenetics and testing with Genotox Labs
Addiction Treatment at Home

This pandemic will forever change the way medicine is delivered. Are you prepared?

Telehealth platforms like True Mobile Health, LLC enable clinicians to deliver care and provide continuous patient engagement from a distance. At home laboratory testing like Genotox Laboratories ToxDirect™️ delivers clinicians the critical laboratory data that has long been a part of in personal care.

These tools were developed precisely for this moment.

Learn more about Genotox Labs and Our Tools Here:

At Genotox Laboratories, we’re devoted to providing healthcare professionals with accurate, dependable, and actionable toxicology and pharmacogenetic services. We serve pain physicians, family practices, internal medicine, psychiatrists, addiction specialists, OB/GYN, and recovery centers.

Tools To Deliver Remote Pain Management and Addiction Treatment During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has created unprecedented challenges for clinicians specializing in the treatment of patients in addiction recovery and pain management. Disease complexities, controlled substances, and toxicology monitoring requirements all pose massive hurdles to clinicians who are unable to treat patients within the traditional medical clinic.

Rapid Response to COVID-19 with Telehealth

COVID-19 poses a serious threat to older individuals and those who have been diagnosed with chronic health conditions [1, 2]. Additionally, Medicaid acts as the nation’s largest health care first responder by its nature of being able to rapidly enroll new individuals and cover new services [3]. Together Medicare and Medicaid will be responsible for protecting the most vulnerable in our society and will be rapidly adapting to a new Telehealth model of care delivery.

“Drug Testing at a Distance”

ToxDirect™ is a commercially available urine or oral fluid Drug Testing at a Distance solution. ToxDirect™ includes: direct to and from patient logistics, analyses on 110 analytes and metabolites, 48 hour turnaround time for results, and DNA authentication to verify urine sample authenticity. ToxDirect™ is the only solution in the market that ensures clinicians efficiently receive comprehensive toxicology results from anywhere in the world with the confidence of sample integrity.

Telehealth Platform Technology

With the growing concern of the spread of COVID-19, Clinicians and Treatment Facilities are searching for ways to minimize the risk of exposure for staff and patients while also complying with local, state, and federal quarantine mandates. True Mobile Health is a HIPAA compliant platform enabling instant access to virtual care and patient engagement.

When Does the Risk of Not Testing Outweigh the Risk of Drug Testing During COVID-19?

Drug Testing During Covid-19 and how to do it

Join Genotox Laboratories’ Senior Scientist, Dr. Nick Laude, as he presents on the impact of isolation and unemployment on substance misuse and abuse and how innovative technologies are empowering clinicians to maintain structure and accountability with patients from a distance.

What’s At Stake?

  1. Patients with increased risks of Covid-19 Complications.
  2. Increased Risk of Drug Misuse or Abuse due to isolation.
  3. Increased Risk of drug misuse or abuse due to sudden unemployment.
  4. Clinicians are responsible to decide what is best for patients.

Distance Solutions

  1. Integrating Telemedicine
  2. At Home Drug Testing
  3. Drive-Thru Drug Testing
  4. Safe Clinic Visits.             GenotoxLabs